Video sulla moneta locale americana Berkshares Continua a leggere
Video sulla moneta locale americana Berkshares Continua a leggere
Video sulla moneta locale americana Berkshares
Reportage (in spagnolo) di promozione del sito SinDinero da parte della tv spagnola TeleMadrid, con interviste per strada.
The basic OSE model is shown below:
The cornerstone of Open Source Ecology’s program for transformative economics is the 500 Plus Plan. This is a plan for producing a financial incentive in order to attract new Fellows on demand. This Plan is the development of an integrated, primarily agricultural product package that may be deployed by people joining OSE on a month’s time frame in order to capture a business opportunity from a basic farmer’s market. A farmer’s market is perhaps the lowest entry barrier venue for free enterprise worldwide, and, for purposes of OSE, a business opportunity that may be harnessed on-demand to meet goals of expansion. The opportunity is at least $500 per day at market, which is a proven figure for many vendors. New Fellows, by going to one farmer’s market per week, are thus able to earn during their stay at OSE, and moreover, to contribute 25% to the research program Development Fund. The innovation here lies in the 500 Plus Plan, which is designed to produce high value with minimum time commitment. This is feasible when a rigorous program for such value generation is devised. It must be based on the right product choice, professional techniques, and optimized ergonomics. It is designed such that it requires a time commitment of 1 hour per day, 5 days per week, plus 1 day at market. This constitutes a financing mechanism for Fellows that takes little time away from the core of our mission: open source research and development.